Monday, October 6, 2008

Seth Godin on Tribes in New York City

I was privileged to be able to attend a dress rehearsal of Seth Godin's new material on Tribes with about 40 other people. Seth hosted the event in an upscale tiny gallery on Fifth Avenue in New York. We were practically required to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement until he gives his presentation in front of 12,000 later this week. It was really interesting to see this marketing genius in action as he asked us to creatique his presentation at the end. He is a wonderful presenter (I'd tell you what he said but then I'd have to kill you.) In the last few minutes before he left I snapped a few portraits. The marketing nerds will appreciate this pic.

Seth Godin

Here are some New York City abstracts that I took after the event. Enjoy.

New York City

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