Saturday, June 12, 2010

East Coast Tsunami Fest 2010 - Sick of it All, H20, Earth Crisis

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So today I attended the East Coast Tsunami Fest.  It was like reliving 1998 with a bunch of old hardcore bands. Bands like: Sick Of It All, H20, Earth Crisis, Mushmouth, Fury Of Five, All Out War, Dysphoria, Strength For A Reason.  Videos first, then photos.  Yes, I'm mixing it up with shaky cam video.

Sick of it All - Step Down Live

Video shot with Kodak zi8

Earth Crisis

 Video shot with Kodak zi8

Photos (in order Dysphoria, Earth Crisis, Pit for H20, Sick of it All) :
East Coast Tsunami Fest
East Coast Tsunami FestEast Coast Tsunami Hardcore Fest - Sick of it AllEast Coast Tsunami Hardcore Fest - Sick of it AllEast Coast Tsunami Hardcore Fest - Sick of it All

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1 comment:

Thanks for the love.