Saturday, July 24, 2010

Alternative Wedding Venue Ideas

If you're looking for an interesting alternative to the usual wedding venue choices, you don't have to look too far. Think outside of the box and take into account what makes your relationship tick? Do you have a favorite music venue, restaurant, or market as a couple? Is there an outdoor location that was the spot for a great memory? You don't have to go with places that advertise as "wedding venues" because, as an alternative bride, you have probably found out that most things "wedding" aren't your style in the first place. You might be surprised when asking owners of certain areas and buildings; a place that has never held a wedding before might want to give it a shot and when working with someone who isn't used to putting on special events you might get more freedom in your special day because they won't have expectations set by other weddings.
Still looking for venue ideas? Here are a few:

Bowling Alley/Rockabilly Bar Wedding. Wedding at Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Photograph by Brandi Grooms Photography.

Maritime Museum Wedding. Photograph of the Kern Room in Astoria, Oregon's Columbia River Maritime Museum.

Treehouse Wedding. Click here to see more pictures from this gorgeous treehouse wedding at Treehouse Point in Issaquah, Washington.

Sculpture Garden Wedding. Photograph of a wedding at Seattle's Olympia Sculpture Park by A Beautiful Day Photography.

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