Saturday, December 31, 2011

17 Things That Bring Me Happiness, Joy & Balance

I find it so easy to find things to work on, improve on and problems to fix - it's in my blood.  So for 2012, I have no New Years Resolutions.  Instead I wrote up a list of the things that make me happy, bring me balance and joy.  I was inspired by the Mexican Fisherman Fable to write this instead of New Years Resolutions, I knew I wouldn't keep.

So this year, I'm trying something different.  I'm going to keep this list in front of me to remind me of the things that make me happy!

If I would have to recap 2011, I would say that it was the happiest and hardest year of my life.  I faced many challenges and fears (#9) and got through.  I've tried my best to set aside time for breakfasts, lunches, drinks, parties & dinners with friends & family (maybe even a little karaoke). I watched my two year old twins use chopsticks for the first time and almost cried with joy in a restaurant while they did it (#11).   I found a joy in focusing on the positive and trying to look at  what is working in my life - which does not come naturally at all.

If you know me personally you know that I have a lot to juggle.  My life has felt like a roller coaster ride.  Yet sometimes people talk to me like I'm living the dream.  It used to make me really uncomfortable.  I felt guilty, like why do I get to live this life or wondered when the bottom would fall out on all of this. I would feel it necessary to tell them stories about changing shitty diapers at 4am and how normal my life *actually* is.  But now I am becoming okay with it.  Maybe my life is *really* good.  Maybe I am living the dream.  Maybe I have amazing friends, do work I love and get to go a little crazy and have a beautiful family.

So here it is. My list of 17 Things that brought me Joy, Balance and Happiness in 2011

  1. Making time for friends
  2. Family Friday night dance parties
  3. Wearing holes in my jeans playing dinosaur with my boys
  4. Practicing gratitude
  5. Exercising at the gym
  6. Thanking important people in my life
  7. Acting silly
  8. Blasting music in my car
  9. Turning fears into goals
  10. Giving compliments
  11. Seeing beauty in small moments
  12. Long hugs
  13. Personal creative projects
  14. Allowing other people's story to change my own
  15. Meaningful conversations
  16. Being myself
  17. Letting go
I can't name everyone who has helped me in the process - many of you already know it.  I will thank  Walter Sawatzky of Customized Coaching who has helped clarify my goals, talents and passion.

The following books have also helped greatly in 2011:

*much love*

See you all in 2012.

-Mike Allebach
The Tattooed Bride Photographer

1 comment:

Thanks for the love.