Thursday, August 16, 2012

Phoenixville Foundry Wedding Revisited-Part 2

Here's more awesomeness from Caroline and Rob's fantastically-unique wedding.  First some helpful tips from the past bride (Click here if you missed Part 1).

What are 5 things you've learned while planning your wedding? 
The five things I learned:  
1.  Write thank you notes.  Wedding planning is sucking up your life.  Your friends and family may be making it a bit easier on you.  Send them a thank you note.
2.  Stick to your guns.  I designed our centerpieces - mad hatter top hats with antlers on each side.  Rob and his friends provided the antlers and our friend Vince figured out how to secure them to the hats.  My mom hated them.  Beyond hated them.  Tried to convince me to get flowers instead.  Too bad.  The centerpieces were a huge hit and people were fighting to take them home.  After the wedding I received a note from her telling me that she was wrong and that I was right.  Guess what is now framed on my wall.
3.  Stop looking at the internet.  Other people don't have better ideas than you; you just think so because you can see their final product.  Don't get sucked into how nice it would be to give everyone a personalized jar of jam with your wedding date embossed on a gold leaf-shaped label.  You aren't getting married in a country field, you don't know how to can and you hate all things peach!  That jam might be awesome, but it isn't you (or if it is you, you would have thought of that idea all on your own).  
4.  DIY is not for everyone.  I wasn't crafty before I got engaged and that ring on my finger did not have secret powers.  It sucks to pay for things, but it sucks even more to be in a crying heap on your living room floor because you can't make your craft project exactly the way you want it.  Don't feel guilty.  Feel liberated that you handed the task off to someone who can actually complete the project.    
5.  Drive yourself everywhere - ALONE.  My reception venue required everything to be brought in for the day.  I went there to make sure that everything was working according to the contract.  Then I sat myself down, cracked open a beer and made sure that I had completed everything that I needed to do for that day.  When I was done, I got back into the car and drove myself home while blaring my punk rock cocktail hour CD to be played at our reception.  Don't feel like the masses need to accompany you everywhere you go - unless you want them to!

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