Recently we received this compliment from one of our unique-to-the-core former brides...
"Exactly 2 years later and I still believe that I have the absolute best wedding pictures ever. Thanks for being amazing." Caroline
and suddenly we realized..."How in the world did we miss blogging her totally amazing wedding!?!?" There is so much to this wedding, that we need to make it a "Two-Parter."
It was an absolutely gorgeous summer day, with a gorgeous bride, at a gorgeous church and a gorgeous venue. And as if that wasn't enough gorgeousness... throw in bagpipes, joyrides, and of course, animal antlers. See for yourself after reading the totally enjoyable context from Caroline.
How did the two of you meet?
The date: Rob and I met on a blind date. We decided to go to dinner near where I lived so we met at the bar in the restaurant. In order to take some of the pressure off, we both decided to wear flip flops and restrict our conversation to punk rock music (it seemed to be even ground for us). Unfortunately, being a bit nervous with access to a bar is not always the best situation. We had about 7 pints between us before we even sat down for dinner. Who knows how much Rob had before I got there! By the time that dinner rolled around, we weren't even hungry and continued to drink and then ordered port (apparently just because it was offered to us by the waitress). He found out that I played bagpipes and was sold. I made a Pony Boy reference and he commented on it - it was love at first pint! We then went out to the parking lot and made out. We started in my car, but then had to switch to his because he felt like he needed to be in the actual driver's seat. Fortunately we made out for approximately forever and the alcohol wore off so we could both drive home.
How did the proposal happen?
The proposal: I ran a half marathon in May of 2009. The night after the race Rob asked if I wanted to go out for a bit. No. Didn't I want to go out to dinner? No way. Out for ice cream? Hell no. I was trying to explain to him that I couldn't walk back up the stairs to put on pants so he was shit out of luck and had to eat the dinner that I was making. He then got down on one knee, took the potholder off of my left hand and proposed. It was terribly romantic - me in front of the stove, his knee in spaghetti sauce, my right hand still in a pot holder, all while wearing fish printed jammie pants from Target.
Now time to relish in the start of the photos! (We'll leave you hanging on the edge of your seats til tomorrow to see where the animal antlers appear..)
Wanna see more of this stunning event?
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