Monday, September 10, 2012

Darn Hackers and more than a Penny for your Thoughts

Apparently GoDaddy was hacked today and our site was down for a spell of time.  That put a little kink in our Wedding Traditions Forum and put the fun to a halt...since several were unable to access the blog.  SOOO in that regards, were gonna extend Day 1 for another day.  Please enjoy the post below and leave us your thoughts~it could pay off to much more than a penny...


  1. The migration away from GoDaddy is getting larger than the one taken by seasonal birds. I wonder how they'll hold up?

  2. You're work really is beautiful! So much fun to browse through:)

    1. Thanks so much!
      Keep checking in for the next three weeks...we are having huge giveaways!


Thanks for the love.