Friday, September 14, 2012

More Reception Traditions: Cakes, Dances, Favors, Toasts...Final Day of the Wedding Traditions Forum

One may not truly recognize just how many traditions are a part of an American wedding reception.   Even if the couple is the "non-traditional-type" the "typical traditions" inevitably remain on the scope and the couple is left to decide one of three things:  to include, alter, or ditch.  One of the greatest things about weddings today is that there is no "right" or "wrong"  decision. . Each couple is given the freedom to represent their personalities however they choose to incorporate throughout the momentous day.  

We love to hear from you.  Please tell us about your favorite tradition, or an alteration on a tradition that you chose to incorporate into your wedding day.  

Enjoy this eclectic compilation of wedding traditions, represented by our past clients (by the way, we have THE best couples in the world).  

"Pleased to announce for the first time...Mr. and Mrs.....!"

The first dance as husband and wife

A special moment

Mother-Son Dance: What a proud Momma.

A heart-felt toast to a wonderful couple

Gotta feed the guests a scrumptious meal

 Drinks on the house

Can't eat at a table without a center piece and favors....

Cut (and smash!?!) the ornate wedding cake

The Garter-Fetching (see more on this tradition here)

Dance the night away

Pose with crazy photographer (maybe not a tradition yet, but just will be!)


  1. When Edward and I get married we're going to start a new tradition of offending our guests as much as possible. Our traditions will include "the traditional dance of the exes," "the swarming of the bees," a peanut, shellfish and gluten-filled menu and of course a cash bar!

    1. Carla...YOU were our daily winner!!! Shoot us an email at to claim your prize!!

  2. While I don't think all of the traditional dances are needed, I do love the first dance with the bride and groom. Take some dance lessons, pick a song, and just enjoy the two of you on the dance floor.

    I have to say, having a picture with the photographer is an awesome tradition idea. The photographer is such a key part of your day, you should have a picture!

  3. My favors were a very special part of my wedding day. Growing up my grandparents had a charcoal portrait of the two of them. For some reason, it resonated and when it was time to pick favors I choose a caricaturist. It was a hit! Sadly I told her to be at the venue so early, that we lost a large amount of time with her. Never even thought about everything else happening, but that happens when you plan things so far in advance.

  4. There is a few traditions I love the releasing of floating lanterns, non-traditional music for the walk and photos with the wedding photographer.

  5. I love the father daughter (or mother daughter in some cases) dance. I cry every time whether I know the bride well or not.

  6. At my wedding I wanted to make sure and honor my parents, grandparents and Godmother. So when my godmother was seated they played the song she had at her wedding (it was Elvis!), when my mother was seated the song they danced to was played and the song played at my mother in laws wedding when she was seated. It was a simple way to show love for them too. My hubby and I had a special song too, but it was nothing anyone knew. So made it even more special! (Sting, Secret Marriage)
    I love some of the traditional traditions, but love to see new ones too!!
    At a friends wedding when she and her groom got to the front they turned to face the audience and the paster's back was turned. It was really neat to see the bride and grooms faces during the ceremony instead of their backs.
    At my couin and BFF's wedding she and her hubby did rock paper scissors to pick who said their vows first and instead of kissing the high fived! A little high fiving couple adorned the wedding cake!

  7. I LOVE the father-daughter dance. It's like the father twirling his little girl for the last time. I danced with my stepfather, who came into my life late in my teens, 5 years after my dad died. I chose a song for my dad and me to dance to, and Mike captured me dancing with my dad one last time. I was a little girl, for just a minute.

    On a light note: the tradition of open bar is always a favorite, too.

  8. I like the father daughter dance but my dad and I don't like to dance (neither does my hubby, lol), so we all wanted the dances to be over as quickly as possible! I kept tossing the idea around of my dad and I singing a duet because he's a singer, but we didn't do it (we should have I know!), so...I had them play one of his songs during the reception instead(bwahahaha).
    Otherwise, I liked doing the sand ceremony over the traditional candle thing that you traditionally do at a wedding. We used sand from the beach and colored sand...and almost spilled it all!

  9. The bride and groom first dance was one of our favorite traditional moments. Thanks to our friend Louise for helping us put it all together.

  10. Aside from the "something borrowed and something blue", my husband and I had our first dance of course. Our old folks also encouraged us to incoporate in our wedding ceremony supplies some money (paper bills), sweet food and anything that can bring luck to our marriage and future family.

  11. My sister's wedding was simple but very her. First she asked her sister walk with her down the aisle because she just had a weird feeling about being passed from man to man. She also didnt wear a veil because she thought it looked "too virginal". And then at the end of the ceremony all the kids beat the hell out of a pinata, which was great because some guests in attendance don't get along, so it was a way to just focus on the kids having a good time and it helped ease the tension.

  12. When I got married, we incorporated a slightly altered pagan handfasting tradition. We had our hands tied together with 7 ribbons, one for each of the gods in the Yoruban tradition (voodoo, santeria, etc). We had to stay tied together through all of our formal photos. It was quite difficult, but a fun challenge!

  13. I'm honored our nuptials were in 3 spots on this compilation! We LOVE Allebach!

    1. Hey there! Been meaning to email ya to let you know...but this week's been crazy. By the way, your Baby=adorableness!

  14. I really really like when the wedding is relaxed and super fun. Any tradition that the wedding party and guests are into is a good one. If they're gonna party it up and dance, by all means do it all night long! If they aren't the dancing folk, by all means nix it. The traditions just for the sake of them are tired and I love to see couples forge their own way!

  15. We kept our wedding short and sweet, so we opted out of making a big deal out of a wedding processional. We wanted to honor our mothers somehow so after I got down the aisle, we presented each of them with roses to make them feel like they were part of our day.

  16. When I got married, both of my parents had already passed. I wanted for them to be a part of my wedding, so I took small photos I had of them and placed them in small pewter frame charms. I tied both portraits to my bouquet with blue satin ribbon. I tossed my bouquet, but kept the small portraits. They now adorn the printers drawer I have hanging on the wall full of little trinkets that have meaning for me.

  17. I love photos with my clients! :) Should be a tradition for everyone.

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Thanks for the love.