Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Alternative Wedding Bands from Tungsten Affinity

If you live an active lifestyle or have a job where you work with your hands and thought you couldn't wear a traditional wedding band, think again. Tungsten wedding bands may work for you. Tungsten is stronger than other ring materials, including gold, silver, platinum, and titanium. On the Mohs scale, Tungsten rates as a 9, which is right behind diamond (the only material that comes in as a 10). These virtually indestructible rings won't warp or chip and at Tungsten Affinity you can find many different styles and colors of rings, all that include a lifetime warranty. Why would an indestructible ring need a lifetime warranty? Well, tungsten rings can't be resized. They don't cut easily with standard jeweler's tool and so each ring can be replaced with a different size if needed. Here are a few different styles that are offered.

Tungsten Ring with Two Grooves

Black Tungsten Wedding Band

Gold Plated Tungsten Wedding Band

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